Do I need to contact my runners?

When and if 'run with realbuzz' charity partners should contact runners who have chosen to support them in an event.

The run with realbuzz team will manage fundraising, support and registration processes for all run with realbuzz participants with entry codes and key milestones available in the realbuzz Runner Dashboard

However, when a runner reserves a place, they are asked if they would like to hear from their charity. This is them consenting to hear from you. If a runner has given consent then their contact details will be available to you in your dashboard on the realbuzz Charity Console

We encourage you to congratulate them and thank them but remember, realbuzz will be reviewing their fundraising progress each week and they will be receiving regular communications from us either to help them supercharge their progress or get them back on track if they are falling behind on their fundraising so it's important they don't get overloaded with communications.