Importing Applications

To your Official Charity Partner runner applications

The import function allows you to add multiple applications at once using a spreadsheet. This removes the time-consuming task of filling out a new form for each individual applicant. To begin the import process, click on the IMPORT button in the top right corner of the page.

You will see instructions on how your spreadsheet should be formatted. Make sure our column headers are exactly as they are presented on the page. You can download an example template which is set out in the correct format. Delete the example data from the spreadsheet and begin filling out your applicant’s details.

Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 16.03.02

Once you are happy with the file, ensure it has been saved, and fill out the required fields on the import page. Under Event, select the event in which you are importing the applications against. Click Choose File to search for the spreadsheet you have just saved. The Format field is the format in which your spreadsheet is saved in (the example provided is in a.csv format). Then click the Submit data button to import the file.

You should now see all your imported applications on the dashboard in a Pending status. You will need to go through and Accept or Reject as you did with any other application.

Notes for your import:
  • Ensure each application has a unique email address.
  • Applicants you upload will be sent an email to let them know you’ve created an account for them and instructions to gain access (they will also be able to the review Terms of Use and Privacy Policies)
  • Let your applicants know you’ve imported them into the system (and why) and get them to look out for emails from Advise they check spam/junk folders if necessary to locate the email and add us to their safe senders list.