Managing Applications

Managing your Official Charity Partner runner applications

All new applications will be in Pending status at first. You can update the status of an application, depending on whether you would like to review, accept, or reject the application.

On applications in a Pending status, four options will be presented to you; click on the ‘three dots’ under Actions to manage the application.

Note: A pending application will be automatically rejected after 28 days so it is important to move any applications you wish to pursue further into Reviewing Status within this time frame. You will see a count-down next to any pending application to let you know the time left available to review the application

Glossary of Status Updates:

  • Pending - Application needs reviewing - You have 28 days to move to reviewing before the application is auto-rejected.
  • View – Allows you to view the answers the applicant has made to the questions asked on the application.
  • Review – You are reviewing their application.
  • Accept – Allocates the runner one of your places if they have applied for a charity place or will simply alert an own place runner that they are part of your fundraising team.
    (note this is not the same as giving them a RACE ENTRY, see guide ‘how to give your runner a race entry’ when you want them to complete their official registration)
  • Reject – Rejects the application.